My Self
I am Mohammad Nor Laut thirteen years old a grade seven student at the MSU-ISED SHS a person who doesn't know the right timing to all I will do in my life I am a person who the people thinks that I am always happy in their compliments and in my life problems. I am a person who is sometimes a loner because sometimes you cannot trust me but I only do that because when I am facing a great problem. I am also a kind of person they made of fun so sometimes I do not go with some group of friends inviting me. I am slim but I have strength also so do not underestimate me. I am a person who will certainly backbite you if I will know that you say something bad to me.I am not friendly but just feeling close to you because of talking because I am the most talkative person and sometimes I have the loudest mouth in the class. Sometimes when I have no teacher I roam around and go to the other section I do not study at night but only during exams. Yes, I admit I am not intelligent but if I strive harder I might improve. I love people who cares for me and do noy compliment me, Or laugh at my jokes even it is not very funny or corny, Someone who can relate to my problems and ask if I have probnlems. I am a person who will befriend you if you are kind to me. I hate people who really I can't stand, people who bullies me or laugh at me when I am being embarrassed and to the people who I cannot approach and people who don't give second chances. I love my family but sometimes I rteally want to kill them. Our family isnt the riches in golds but we are rich in love and we cherish and value it. I am a person who is not very fun or enjoying to be with. I am not poor nor rich but a boy just have enough money to support all his needs. I focus on my goal and in half-way there is fifty-fifty chance that I succeed it.

I have five siblings they arte Alinor H.A. Laut, Sittie Almahar H.A. Laut, Salihnor H.A. Laut, Sittienor H.A. Laut, And Amer Hassan H.A. Laut. My father is Alimoden S. Laut he works at Cotabato as a financial annalist he goes home often in weekend, My mother is Moslimah H.A. Laut she is a housewife she take care of us and teach us good things. We are a happy family who somtimes have family problems, financial problems, and more. We are not living together daily but we still love each other. I love them the same as they love me but sometimes we fight over big ans small things but we just say sorry. Sometimes I am bad towards my siblings when I am jealous of something like toys and stuffs but I still love them even though sometimes wwe are mad towards each other because we are a family and no one xcan't change that fact. That's how I love my family .

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